A city is a complex multi-level and multi-scale structure. Here are my photo notes from different cities of the world which I managed to visit as a tourist or with working trips and thus compare them with each other (if it is possible to compare so different things).
Kolomna is rightfully considered one of the most cozy cities in the Moscow region, which in addition also bears the title of "sweet corner".
Winterthur is better known to everyone as the city of museums, located near Zurich. However, the subject of my photo investigation in 2017 was not them at all, but interesting residential complexes of this small town and landscaping around them.
In 2019, as part of The Green Dot architecture competition, I was lucky enough to visit Harbin, one of China's northern cities. Harbin is a truly amazing place where different cultures are intertwined.
It was a one-day trip, and, of course, it does not give a complete picture of the city at all. In this case, you should clearly imagine that the center of Brussels and its outskirts are absolutely two different worlds.
This collection of photos is the biggest of all that I have, because it is very difficult to do only one thing in Venice – put the camera in a backpack! Venice is an endless movement: gondolas and boats on the canals, seagulls in the air, tourists in the alleys.
To shelter from the heat on a hot summer day in Paris, I chose the largest park in the city - La Villette. Surprisingly, but the architect Bernard Chumi, still unknown to anyone at that time, made this project literally sitting in his kitchen.
The trip to Zurich was made as part of an academic course, the purpose of which was to study social ecology on the example of residential complexes in this town.
Milan may seem to be a fabulous city for tourists, but when you live in it, not a trace remains of its brilliance. Like other European cities it is the subject to the same social, economic and demographic problems.

Cities | ALavrenova